Thursday, November 8, 2007


Well today the news announced another recall on yet another product aimed at our kids. So just what do you all plan to do about it this Holiday season? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

One of my local homeschooling groups has posted this site as a helpful place to assist with buying non-China products for Christmas so, hopefully, no one will suffer a tragedy this season.

This is a great consumer marketplace guide for all types of products -boycotting chinese products, but also eliminating other sociallyirresponsible choices:

250+ Lead-Free Toys Made in USA

500+ "Not-Made-in- China" Toys

The daily green has a lot of great related articles about this topic and everything else "green". More toys - made in Europe

Here is an interesting site for reading about the China boycott and where to start:

Buying American-made makes sense -- THE TOYS ARE SAFE!

1 comment:

jugglingpaynes said...

I have no idea what I'm giving them for Christmas. Luckily, they all like books, DVDs and homemade cookies. :o)

Harder is making family aware of this problem. My relatives, especially in-laws, will purposely ignore my requests for restraint in the gift giving department. Now I have to tell them that they need to be aware of what they are giving because not all stores have been pulling the recalled items.

I think I'll just focus on the spiritual side of the holiday and pray for strength. :oD