Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Turning Ten!

My son will be turning ten in four and a half weeks so I've begun preparing for this once in a life time event.  Turning ten is BIG!  From here on out, his age will be marked by two numbers until he reaches 100!  So for this big event, I asked him how he would like to celebrate and he surprised me by saying he only wants to invite his best friend and his two cousins making just a total of four boys.  He is planning out lots of four player games and boy type activities like water bombs.  He also requested we do up the house and pull out the fog machines which means moving the birds out as I don't think the fog is too good for them. 

There is a Meteor Shower during the early hours of his birthday so he has requested a sleep over.  Hmmm.....OK.... ~~~ wondering which one will actually be awake at those early morning hours ~~~ )

So in preparation of just what exactly this young man would like for presents,  I handed him a Museum Tour Annual Catalog.  ( )  It's full of interesting things so it's a great way to tune into where his interests are going.  (It also helps start my Christmas shopping list, lol.)  Needless to say, he won't be getting EVERYTHING he's interested in, at least not for his birthday, but many of the items I can count towards 'homeschooling supplies' so eventually he should be able to have his favorites.  Just for fun I'll post a few of his favorite choices:

The two most wanted (and do able) :

See larger imageStrato Chess


See larger imageRoboReptile


In the Educational Department:

See larger imageEgyptians Board Game

See larger imageVEXPlorer Tournament-Worth Robotics

See larger image(Lol....)

See larger imageHydrodynamic Deluxe Set



And for my favorite because he asked for this one so he could design a house for me!  How sweet!  (We really need to build a bigger house.) And then he added that it would also be great for his Army men, lol.  Boys and thier toys...

See larger imageYoung Architects Building Set


jugglingpaynes said...

Mouth watering over the Egyptian game and the Hydrodynamic set.
There are no triops on your list! Triops are so cool. Please get him triops.

Paula Vince said...

What a fantastic looking list of things! Even your fog machine sounds great. I hope your son has a great birthday because 10 is special.
We don't get much in the way of meteor showers in the southern hemisphere and I wish we did.
About your last post, similar things have happened to my eyes. I guess 30 plus years of reading, writing, computers, study etc. take their toll. I've actually been told I have "astigmatism" which people are apparently born with but not diagnosed with until some middle-agey sort of stage.