Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Space Travel for Real?

Yesterday, I was reading the April 2008 Discover magazine and they had quite a few very intriguing articles. One of which I'd like to share. Well at least the links they listed, lol.

The article discusses Seven ways to be a space tourist. It was written by Stephen Cass. In the article, Cass explains that we are closer then ever to space travel being in reach for everyday folks and no longer just for the best of the best astronauts. As I personally have NO desire to travel into space, I'll settle back and just enjoy the websites. For those of you more brave then me, you can actually go to the sites and book a flight! Good luck to you. Safe flight.

Per the article:

Taking a Tumble Cost $3,500. www.gozerog.com
To the Moon Cost $100 million www.spaceadventures.com
In Orbit Cost $30 million www.spaceadventures.com
+ space walk $15 million
Space Hop Cost $200,000 www.virgingalactic.com
Kissing the Edge Cost $29,000 www.incredible-adventures.com
Light That Candle Cost $53. www.ksctickets.com
Virtually There Cost $0 http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk

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